
Freddy Mutanguha

"You can’t teach forgiveness you can only experience it."


Charlie Ryder

"I realised then that I had truly forgiven my father for harming me as a child. Forgiveness is a very personal journey but it can be a wonderful act of self-love."


Angela Findlay

"Forgiveness has helped me to see the process of working through my transgenerational transmission of unresolved trauma, guilt and shame as a gift."


Paul Kohler

"Forgiving the perpetrator is a means of dealing with your internal issues and ensuring you’re not embittered by the experience."


Gethin Jones

"For me forgiveness started with first forgiving the system, then forgiving my mum and eventually forgiving myself."


Figen Murray

"Forgiveness became the vehicle I used to stay within my own humanity."


Ruchi Singh

"Forgiveness doesn’t mean saying I’m OK with what he did, it means I can continue with my life in a more peaceful frame of mind."


Rosie Ayliffe

"I hoped to find some sense of closure from finally meeting the man who had killed my child."